CopyCat California Pizza Kitchen Sticky Asian Cauliflower


1 cup whole wheat flour
1 egg
1 cup tapioca starch
1 pinch of salt and pepper or salt substitute

Sticky Sauce:
2 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoon sambal
1 cup Thai sweet chili sauce
1 Head of Cauliflower broken into florets
Approximately 2-4 cups canola oil depending on how big the cauliflower is
1-2 cups peanuts crushed into smaller pieces
Slivered shallots/green onions


Mix the coating mixture ingredients together in a bowl.

Roll the cauliflower florets in the mixture for the coating.

Heat the oil and the sticky sauce in separate pans on high for the oil and medium for the sticky sauce.

Fry the cauliflower florets until a golden brown being careful not to burn them.

BE SUPER CAREFUL with the hot oil, please.

Roll the cauliflower in the sticky sauce that is heating on medium and remove with tongs.

Serve covered in your desired amount of peanuts and shallot slivers and enjoy!