CopyCat Dunkin’ Donuts Wake Up Wrap


2 slices bacon
1 teaspoon butter or non-stick spray
2 large eggs
2 8-inch tortillas
2 slices American cheese


Place the bacon in a cold skillet, and turn the heat to medium-low.

When the bacon begins to curl up, turn it over to cook on the other side. Cook the bacon until it begins to brown and crisp. Then flip it over and brown the other side.

Remove the bacon from the skillet. You can save the bacon grease by placing it in a heat-proof jar if desired.
Wipe out the skillet with a paper towel.

Spray non-stick spray or melt 1 teaspoon of butter in the same skillet over medium heat.

When the skillet is warm, break each egg into the skillet.

Break the yolks with a fork. Place a lid over the skillet, and cook for 60 to 90 seconds. The eggs are done when the whites and yolks have cooked completely.

Remove the eggs from the skillet, and set aside.

Place a tortilla into the hot pan. Let the tortilla heat for about 30 seconds on one side.

Then flip the tortilla and add 1 slice of American cheese, one egg, and one slice of bacon.

Fold the tortilla in half and serve.

Repeat the process with the other tortilla.