CopyCat Golden Corral Mashed Potatoes and Gravy


2 lb. potatoes, preferably Yukon Gold, peeled & quartered
1 cup whole milk
6 tbsp. unsalted butter, for mashed potatoes
1 tsp. garlic powder
salt & ground black pepper, to taste
2 cups unsalted butter
2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup red wine
10 cups beef broth


Place the potatoes in a large pot and cover them with cold water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and cover the pot.

Simmer for 30 minutes until the potatoes are tender.

In a separate pot, simmer milk and butter together, until butter has melted. Set aside

Drain and mash the potatoes. Gradually add the milk mixture into the mashed potatoes, enough to bind the mashed potatoes. Adjust as necessary.

Add the garlic powder and season to taste with salt and pepper. Adjust accordingly and set aside

For the gravy:
Melt the butter in a pot over medium. Add the flour and whisk until all lumps are gone. Continue cooking until the roux turns light brown. De-glaze with red wine and reduce briefly

Slowly add the broth while on low heat, continuously mixing. Then, turn the heat back up to medium. Stir until the gravy simmers and thickens.

Continue simmering for at least 15 minutes.

Strain the sauce as necessary, removing any solids or lumps.

Serve on top of the potatoes.