CopyCat IHop Cinnamon Stacked French Toast


French Toast Ingredients:
2 eggs
125ml milk
2 tablespoons of granulated sweetener
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp vanilla
6 1” slices of white bread
1 tbsp butter

Cinnamon Spread Ingredients:
4 tablespoons grams butter
5 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
Pinch of ground cloves
1 tablespoon flour

Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients:
4 tablespoons light cream cheese
1 tablespoon granulated sweetener
Couple of teaspoons of milk
Dash of vanilla extract


The night before, slice your white bread and leave out to stale up a bit. Prep the cinnamon butter too. In a bowl add all the ingredients and mix to a smooth consistency. Cover with plastic wrap and pop in the fridge to firm up a bit.

Make the cream cheese frosting by mixing the cream cheese, sweetener and vanilla. Add enough milk until you get a dribbling consistency.

The next morning, In a large glass dish, mix the eggs, milk, sweetener, cinnamon and vanilla. Place the bread in the custard mix, turning over after 5 minutes, until it has all been absorbed. Place a large frying pan on medium heat and melt the tbsp of butter or marge. Fry the bread until golden brown on both sides, making sure not to burn it.

Spread each slice of the French toast with a generous amount of the cinnamon butter mix and layer three slices of the bread on top of one another. Lastly drizzle as much cream cheese frosting over the top as you like. We added more as we worked our way down the slices!