CopyCat Longhorn Steakhouse Black Forest Cherry Lava Cake


1/2 cup Butter
2/3 cup Sugar
3 Eggs
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1/4 cup Flour
1/4 cup Cocoa Powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt
8 ounces chopped Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Syrup for topping
Raspberry Syrup for topping
Cherry Filling
1 cup pitted Dark Red Cherries
1/2 cup Sugar
Cream Cheese Icing (Alternatively, you can use store-bought, if preferred.)
8 ounces Cream Cheese
1 stick Unsalted Butter
1 cup Confectioners’ Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla


Preheat oven to 350°F.

Microwave chopped chocolate until melted.

In a separate bowl, mix butter and 2/3 cup sugar until blended. Gradually add eggs and vanilla until thoroughly blended. Stir in melted chocolate.

In another bowl, mix flour, cocoa powder and salt. Add this mixture into the chocolate batter.

Spoon mixture into four small ramekins until they are each half full.

Cherry Filling:
Place cherries and 1/2 cup of sugar in medium saucepan. and simmer until reduced and combined. If mixture is not thick enough, mix a teaspoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of water together and add to mixture once it has cooked for 10 minutes. Cook for 5 more minutes at a simmer. Cook slightly.

Create a well in the center of the batter in each ramekin. Spoon cherry mixture into the wells.

Add the rest of the batter on top of the cherry mixture to level out the batter in each ramekin.

Place in preheated oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes. Use a toothpick in the side of the cake, if it comes out clean, the cakes are done. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.

Cream Cheese Icing:
While cakes are baking, cream together cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, butter and vanilla in a separate bowl.

Once cakes have cooled, spread the icing on top of each.
Place ramekins on serving plates. Drizzle chocolate and raspberry syrups over cream cheese frosting and the serving plate. Place a dollop of any remaining cherry filling onto the serving plates, if desired.